1 TopSpeed Clarion Compiler 2 Compiling 3 Warning: |Error: |Fatal error: |Internal error: | 8080 Optimizing %V 8081 Error detected in code generator : %V 8082 Code generation aborted 11001 Including: %V 11005 Debug: %V 11020 Expected: %V 11021 Invalid string (misused <...> or {...} ) 11022 String not terminated 11023 Invalid number 11024 Missing exponent 11025 Invalid identifier 11026 Invalid label 11027 Invalid printer control token 11028 Invalid picture token 11029 Illegal character 11030 OMIT misplaced 11031 OMIT cannot be nested 11033 OMIT not terminated: %V 11034 Invalid OMIT/EMBED expression 11040 INCLUDE misplaced 11041 INCLUDE/EMBED nested too deep 11042 INCLUDE invalid, expected: %V 11043 SECTION not found: %V 11044 SECTION duplicated: %V 11045 Invalid MEMBER statement 11046 Ambiguous syntax 11047 Label duplicated, both removed: %V 11048 Calling function as procedure 11049 Unable to verify validity of OVER attribute 11050 Redefining system intrinsic: %V 11051 Ignoring EQUATE redefinition: %V 11052 ! introduces a comment 11060 Duplicate code label: %V 11061 Illegal data type: %V 11063 Illegal REPORT statement: %V 11064 Illegal FILE/DISK statement: %V 11065 Must have constant string parameter 11066 Illegal nesting of window controls 11067 Cannot have statement here 11068 Statement cannot have label 11069 Statement must have label 11071 FILE cannot be nested 11072 DISK cannot be nested 11073 QUEUE/RECORD not valid in GROUP 11074 EQUATE cannot be nested 11078 REPORT cannot be nested 11079 Not valid inside structure 11080 MAP must be within PROGRAM module 11081 Illegal data declaration 11082 Illegal key component 11083 Unknown key component: %V 11085 EXTERNAL must be within PROCEDURE or FUNCTION 11088 Order is MENUBAR, TOOLBAR, Controls 11089 HEADER/DETAIL/FOOTER must be within REPORT 11090 Cannot have default parameter here 11091 Declaration too big 11092 Group too big 11093 Array too big 11094 Invalid data type for value parameter 11095 MAP already defined 11096 Illegal return type or attribute 11097 Illegal data type for parameter 11098 Entity-parameter cannot be an array 11099 Value-parameter cannot be an array 11100 Unknown attribute: %V 11101 Attribute takes no parameters 11102 Attribute requires more parameters 11103 Attribute has too many parameters 11104 Invalid parameters for attribute 11105 OVER must name variable 11106 Embedded OVER must name field in same structure 11107 OVER must not be larger than target variable 11109 Cannot have initial values with OVER 11110 OVER not allowed with STATIC or THREAD 11111 DLL attribute requires EXTERNAL attribute 11116 Invalid FILE attribute 11118 Invalid QUEUE/RECORD attribute 11119 Invalid GROUP/QUEUE/RECORD attribute 11121 Invalid data declaration attribute 11124 Invalid KEY/INDEX attribute 11139 ENCRYPT attribute requires OWNER 11140 Invalid USE attribute parameter 11143 Invalid WINDOW control 11147 Invalid structure within property syntax 11151 Attribute string must be constant 11152 Attribute variable must have string type 11153 Attribute variable must be global 11156 Attribute parameter must be QUEUE, QUEUE field or constant string 11204 Expression cannot have conditional type 11207 Ambiguous label 11208 Parameter type label ambiguous (CODE or DATA) 11209 Parameter type in MAP must be GROUP or QUEUE 11210 Unknown identifier 11211 Expression cannot be picture 11212 Parameter cannot be omitted 11213 Integer expression expected 11214 Expression must be constant 11215 Must be variable 11216 Variable-size must be constant 11217 Cannot initialize variable reference 11218 Illegal reference assignment 11219 Indices must be constant 11220 Too few parameters 11221 Too many parameters 11222 DECIMAL too long 11223 DECIMAL has too many places 11224 Wrong number of parameters 11225 Must be dimensioned variable 11226 Must specify DECIMAL size 11227 Parameter must be picture 11228 Parameter must be procedure label 11229 Incorrect procedure profile 11231 Illegal paramter type for STRING 11232 Illegal parameter for LIKE 11238 ADDRESS parameter ambiguous 11239 Mis-placed string slice operator 11240 Incompatible assignment types 11241 Variable expected 11242 Too few indices 11243 Too many indices 11245 Field requires (more) subscripts 11246 Value requires (more) subscripts 11247 Illegal array assignment 11248 Unknown identifier: %V 11251 CYCLE statement must be within LOOP 11252 BREAK statement must be within LOOP 11253 Invalid LOOP variable 11255 Statement label duplicated 11256 Illegal target for GOTO 11258 Routine label duplicated 11259 Illegal target for DO 11260 Cannot GOTO into ROUTINE 11261 Unknown function label 11262 Unknown procedure label 11266 Cannot RETURN value from procedure 11267 Must RETURN value from function 11268 Cannot EXIT from here 11269 BREAK structure must enclose DETAIL 11271 Declaration not valid in FILE structure 11272 FILE must have RECORD structure 11273 KEY must have components 11274 FILE must have DRIVER attribute 11275 FILEs must have same DRIVER attribute 11276 VIEW must have a FILE as parameter 11277 Must have one field for each key component 11278 Field not found in parent FILE 11279 All fields must be declared before JOINs 11281 Must be field of a FILE or VIEW 11282 Cannot declare KEY in a VIEW 11283 Expected a PROJECT statement 11301 Invalid structure as first parameter 11302 Invalid first parameter of PUT 11303 Invalid first parameter of ADD 11304 Invalid first parameter of DELETE 11305 Invalid first parameter of FREE 11306 Invalid first parameter of SET 11307 Invalid first parameter of NEXT 11308 Invalid first parameter of PREVIOUS 11309 Invalid first parameter of POSITION 11321 Dynamic INDEX must be empty 11327 Function result is not of correct type 11328 Cannot return CSTRING from CLARION function 11329 CLARION function cannot use RAW 11330 Cannot call procedure as function 11332 Invalid variable data parameter type 11333 Wrong number of subscripts 11334 Parameter cannot be omitted 11335 Too few parameters 11336 Must specify identifier 11337 Parameter kind does not match 11338 Actual value parameter cannot be array 11339 No prototype available 11340 Wrong number of parameters 11341 Invalid SIZE parameter 11342 Must specify print-structure 11344 FUNCTION must have return type 11345 PROCEDURE cannot have return type 11346 Parameter must be report DETAIL label 11350 Missing procedure definition: %V 11351 Procedure doesn't belong to module: %V 11360 Label not defined: %V 11361 Routine not defined: %V 11365 Field equate label not defined: %V 11501 Subscript out of range 11800 Not implemented yet 11802 ISL error: %V 11810 Inconsistent scanner initialization 11816 Unknown operator 11817 Unknown expression type 11818 Unknown expression kind 11819 Unknown variable context 11820 Unknown parameter kind 11821 Unknown assignment operator 11822 Unknown variable type 11823 Unknown case type 11824 Unknown equate type 11825 Unknown string kind 11826 Unknown picture type 11827 Unknown descriptor type 11828 Unknown initializer type 11829 Unknown designator kind 11830 Unknown structure field 11831 Unknown formal entity 11832 Type descriptor not static 11833 Unknown clear type 11834 Unknown simple formal type 11835 Out of attribute space 11836 Unknown label/routine 11837 Unknown special identifier 11838 Value not static 11839 Unknown screen kind 11840 Unknown screen structure kind 11841 Corrupt pragma string 11842 Old symbol non-NIL 11845 String not CCST 11850 Not implemented yet 11951 in TSCLAW.id (identifier records) 11952 in TSCLAW.str (string literals) 11953 in TSCLAW.scan(include files) 11954 in TSCLAW.aux (include sections) 11955 in TSCLAW.tmp (deep assign workspace) 11956 in TSCLAW.dsc (type descriptors) 11957 in TSCLAW.pch (view descriptor) 11958 in TSCLAW.sym (symbols) 11959 in TSCLAW.typ (types) 11960 in TSCLAW.fld (fields) 11961 in TSCLAW.old (identfiers in scope) 11962 in TSCLAW.rtl (run-time library calls) 11963 in TSCLAW.dmp (dialog structures) 11964 in TSCLAW.idn (identifier spellings) 11965 in TSCLAW.num (decimal number bank)